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Transaction Fees
Swap Fees (LPers)
Transaction fees are paid by any user to include a transaction on the chain. The transaction fee is distributed to Ki Validators and their $XKI Stakers as rewards for producing blocks. These fees are required for any interaction with the protocol.
Swap fees are charged to all traders performing swaps in any of the pools available on the Atlas DEX. Swap fees are calculated as a percentage of the swap amount specific to each pool. Swap fees are charged on the input asset of a swap (So if a user swaps $XKI for $KUSD, they pay the swap fee in $XKI tokens). This is a configurable parameter decided by pool creators. The default fee is set to 0.3%. The swap fee will be distributed between:
Liquidity Providers fee: 85% of swap fees.
Protocol fee: 15% of swap fees (This is related to $XKI revamped tokenomics, where all protocols deployed on the Ki Chain are required to pay a 15% tax in $XKI to be burned ).
Alice swaps 100 $USDC for $XKI on Atlas AMM. The total fees charged would include the swap fees and the transaction fees.
Swap Fees - A 0.3%(about 0.3$ in this case) swap fee will be charged in the input asset; $USDC. Of which: - 0.045$ will be swapped into $XKI and burned - 0.255$ will be disctributed pro-rata amongst LPers of the $XKI/ $USDC liquidity pool.
Note: For detailed information on each liquidity pool and its associated swap fees on Atlas please visit the Liquidity Pools sub-page on Atlas' DEX from here: